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Active users: As name implies, active users gets counted against the license.
Inactive users: Do not consume a user license and they are not able to login to the system.

Invited users: System join invitations have been sent to these users but they still haven’t accepted and signed in to the system


Requested users: These users have requested the system sign-up by clicking on the commonly shared sign-up URL. They still haven’t been accepted by the system admin.


Admins: There are 4 types of admins defined in WorkHub24.

  1. Super Admin – Has access to all the functions of the system. There can be more than one super admins.
  2. Account Owner – Account owner is a super admin, but he/she is the one whom WorkHub24 treats as the primary contact point. There can only be one Account Owner. This can be transferred.
  3. User Admin – This type of admins can manage users and groups.
  4. Billing Admin – Account owner and Super admin(s) have access to the billing page. Additionally, ‘Billing Admin’ also has access to the Billing section.
  5. Additionally, under the ‘Security Tab’, you can decide who has rights to create workflows.
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